Children’s Grief Awareness Day
Children’s Grief Awareness Day is observed every year on the third Thursday in November (the Thursday before the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving)…This time of year is a particularly appropriate time to support grieving children because the holiday season is often an especially difficult time after a death….To support a grieving child be there for them, help them to honor their loved one, give them a space so that they can grieve and most importantly, love them.
Lessons learned from celebrity death
Yesterday the sports world lost an icon! Basketball great Kobe Bryant, his 13 old daughter, and 7 other passengers perished in California via a helicopter crash. This was so very tragic and heartbreaking. This loss has sparked so much talk in the news, on social media and in towns and cities across America. Tributes from sports legends such as Michael Jordan are sharing their condolences, the music industry remembered him last night at the Grammys. Host Alecia Keys and the group Boyz to Men, sing their award-winning song, End of the Road and it is the talk about the water
My new book changed my life!
Hey, Hey, Hey!! I am sharing with you today that my new book has just been released! I have to give you some background on why this book has made life changes for me. I have been working on this book for the better part of a year and life began to happen so I had to put it down. When I tell you life happened, it did! This project was an important one because in the midst of this I began to experience some health challenges and I was hospitalized as a result. I spent weeks in the hospital
Don’t Quit
Sometimes in life we are dealt with a hand that we want to throw back in. For example, I was watching an episode of Iyanla Vanzant: Fix My Life, over the weekend which focused on the “Bad Seed”. The 24 year old was brought to the show by her family because they claimed she was the “Bad Seed”. She was born to a drug addicted mother in prison and by society standards did not have a chance to make it. She was raised by a father, grandmother and aunt who on the outside appeared to be a loving family who
So what are you doing this holiday weekend?
Yesterday was Sunday and I just completed a weekend of volunteer service. I belong to a social service organization and we had two events this weekend. One feeding the families at Ronald McDonald House and at Bike the Drive where we usually do Registration Pick Up. Volunteerism brings so much joy to me because I am giving back to my community and helping someone else. During this time I did think about my beloved. He was especially excited about me helping others as this is something that we talked about often. For Ronald McDonald House event, I am the chairperson
The holidays are here!
On Black Friday I released my new Grief Support Workbook with a discount code of 25% off, code BlackFriday2018. It has been a labor of love as I have been working on it since September. I wanted something that would continue to help me along my grief journey. I recognized that I needed something extra special so in addition to this release I also had my friend Michelle McKinnie, Clinician, Mental Health Advocate and Blogger be a guest on my Podcast, The Healing Group Community ™ Podcast to provide the audience with tips and strategies as we begin to navigate the holidays
Support Author Cherie Barnes and The Healing Group Community LLC

Author Cherie Barnes and The Healing Group Community LLC is a place where grievers can find hope and inspiration as you navigate the process. We want readers to know that this is a place of no judgement and solace. We are extremely grateful to our supporters, followers and find that you are the biggest resource in helping others heal. If you would like to make a one time donation of any amount to Author Cherie Barnes and The Healing Group Community LLC, you may do so via paypal. Visit . A page will be created to show appreciation for the
Broken Not Shattered Two-Review
I recently met and worked with a woman on a project that is just trying to make her mark on the world. She is the featured in the anthology, Broken Not Shattered Two. I had a chance to sit down and read the book she is featured in and can I say it was a tear jerker. The stories of the women had me in tears! It is funny but in all that we do in life, not everyone knows your story and how you made it over. I was on the edge with each word of each story that
A letter to myself
I have been thinking about this for a while. What would I say to myself at this point in my grief journey and how would I respond? I can say that this journey has been one of ups and downs, good and bad and everything in between. I recently talked to a girlfriend who lost her mother. I have no experience with this, but I so hurt because she hurts. As an only child she is trying to navigate the throes of life all while still grieving and mourning. Her support system has come to the rescue and she is
May has been exciting!

This has been an exciting month for me to say the least! I attended the Illinois Association for Multicultural Counseling Annual Spring Conference on May 4, 2018, at Governors State University in University Park. We had a dynamic speaker who spoke about multiculturalism and diversity. You missed a treat! After that, I was in the 5th annual local author book fair at the Hammond Public Library, 564 State Street, Hammond, Indiana. I such a wonderful time and I learned a whole lot. I met some amazing authors doing great things in the community with their messages and their books. If I missed you,