Coping during the Holidays

The holiday season will soon be here and as I take stock of what this will look like I am reminded of a blog post that I recently shared with my Facebook group, The Healing Group.  The post is from the The Every Girl and you can find it here at this link:  It has some wonderful suggestions as to how to deal with grief during the holidays.  The one that stuck out the most for me was give yourself permission to be sad.  This spoke volumes to me.  The holidays are a time for celebration however when you lose someone near and dear to you, the realization that they are no longer here to celebrate still resonates with you and it makes you sad.  How do you plan to get through the holidays? What is your game plan, do you have a Plan A or B? What is the one piece of advise that you can give to someone as they navigate the upcoming holiday season?

In Healing,


About CBarnes